Total Supplements is the only supplement you will ever need to keep your horses in peak health and performance condition. Working at the cellular level Total Supplement heals from the inside out, providing strong bones, hooves, and a shiny coat. The natural de-worming is a side effect of a healthy immune system. The strong probiotic and other digestive aids strongly reduce the chance of colic happening, while the toxic binders keep infections out of the system. The organic silane base micromineral makes the perfect joint supplement by building the collagen and relieving the pain in the joint. Many barrel racers have reported a time decrease within a few days of starting Total Supplement. We recommend one ounce of Total Supplement with one pound of whole oats. We strongly recommend not using any processed feeds.
Signs of Well-Being | Symptoms of Illness |
Good Energy, even in an old horse | Lethargy (poor energy or lack of energy) |
Healthy skin and shiny coat | Dry & scaly skin, bald patches, mane or tail loss, dull coat, lighter hair color |
Bright clear eyes | Dull, cloudy, or sunken eyes |
Correct weight | Overweight or underweight |
No digestive problems | Recurring colic, chronic diarrhea, foul odor of manure, difficulty maintaining weight |
Increased fertility and live births | Decreased fertility, hard breeders, aborted or immature foals |
Improved feed efficiency | Decreased feed efficiency (undigested waste output increased) |
Greater disease resistance | Increased diseases and infections affecting the usefulness of the horses |
Improved stamina & greater tolerance | Less stamina & can not take the heat or cold to weather extremes |
Improved hemoglobin synthesis | Decreased stamina, increased "burnout", less stamina |
Increased acid neutralization | More incidents of colic, ulcers, tying up, etc. |
Wounds heal quickly | Wounds remain open, infected and scarring |
Reduced fly population, no bot | Horse covered with bot fly eggs (yellow eggs on fly eggs in fall body of horse) |
Good temperament | Irritability |
Probiotics are live bacteria that every digestive system needs to function effectively. They are the same bacteria that are in yogurt. When a horse is given antibiotics and, to some extent, paste wormers, this not only kills the bad bacteria but also destroys the good bacteria.
That is why animals often go off their feed when they are being doctored with antibiotics. Our horse supplements have enough Probiotics to add almost one and a half BILLION units per day. This is why, when fed daily, Total Supplement will increase feed efficiency to the point that feed intake can be cut back, which saves money.
For further explanation, click on the following articles:
Our horse supplements' base comes from a mine in Nevada, which was chosen as the foundation in our horse supplements' formula when it was developed by a nutritionist at Utah State University because of its rich mineral content.
It was only later that we learned about the effects of this rich mineral product on parasites. Scientific research suggests that the texture is sharp to parasites, and as they pass across it, they are cut and die. The advantage of this process is that it is mechanical rather than poisonous, such as paste wormers to which horses can build up immunity.
Other important ingredients to look for in horse supplements are probiotics and the amount of vitamin E; these are the two most expensive ingredients in the whole formula. Also check for all other vitamins, minerals, and, very importantly, amino acids. Our horse supplements have all of these, which is why our product is named "Total." a lot of money for not much good! Big, fancy words are often used for ingredients to hide their identity.
No, our horse supplements contain no sugar or other stimulants that will make your horse "hot." It will actually calm a horse down due to the vitamin B, which is a natural calmer. Performance may be enhanced due to the increased manageability.
You will see a marked difference in hoof health. With our horse supplements bones become stronger, joints more flexible, and hooves are hard.
Do you want the sheen of a new spring coat year-round? Our horse supplements give you the golden-silver natural colors of an eye-catching coat that you only get on the healthiest of horses. That, along with the spring in your horse's step, sets our product apart from all the others. You'll make your competitors jealous!
You will see little to no scouring during the foal's heat. Scours occur due to the introduction of worm eggs to the foal when they receive the bacteria from their mare's gut. If no worms are present in the mare, then there is no chance of passing worms to the foal.
Want your stallion to cover more mares? Want to solve the problem of AI infertility? Dramatically improve semen quality and sperm motility, even when shipping horses long distances. You will be amazed—and so will your stud!
Probiotics are the secret that the horse world is discovering. Horse owners who use Total Supplement see a dramatic decline in the incidence of colic. Our digestive supplements' formula is the only one on the market with the right type and combination of probiotics.
Several years ago, I determined that our horse supplements helped prevent foal (heat) scours, but I didn't know if it was through the mare or just how it happened. This year I fed the mares in one barn in a little bucket tied to the gate so that the baby couldn't get any of the Total Supplement; I fed all the rest of the mares on the ground, where the baby could steal a little. Sure enough, the babies that didn't get our horse supplements got scours while the others didn't... so now I know. Let the babies have their Total Supplement. The babies that got our dietary supplements also filled out more quickly and looked better.